Alerts for "0% Fee | Nymbus-Node⛅" validator node


You can subscribe for Telegram alerts of your validator 0% Fee | Nymbus-Node⛅. You don't need to setup any software on your node server. This app will take care about everithing.

Your Telegram Token is: 117f40472af28e499a9fc1fdd70c

How to subscribe:

1. Start Comdex Stats Bot

Add @comdex_stats_bot bot to your telegram

2. Run /subscribe command

Provide your Telegram token for Comdex Stats Bot to subscribe for 0% Fee | Nymbus-Node⛅ alerts.

Use command:

/subscribe 117f40472af28e499a9fc1fdd70c

2. Run /help command

You can find all setup parameters in help

What kind of alerts can you recieve?

- Node down (skipping blocks)

You can customise how many minutes node can skip blocks before alert is triggered.

- Delegation/Undelegation

If somebody delegate/undelegate/redelegate to your validator, you will recieve an alert

- Proposals

If new proposal is created.
3 and 1 hour before voting end if you are forget to vote for some proposal.

- Software upgrades

3 and 1 hour before the upgrade, to do not miss it.

- Relayer operators

You can add your relayer address and recieve an alert if your balance is lower that 1 coin.